“Kids Building Up Kids” is a service project in which ICS will partner with St. Jude Research Hospital and Hyman L. Bartolo Jr. Contractors in the New Orleans St. Jude Dream Home Project. This is a month long service learning project in which the students will learn about childhood cancer and the St. Jude Research Hospital as well as raise funds to help SJRH continue to cure children, and culminate with a school wide St. Jude Dream Home building activity.
On the morning of December 4th, the entire ICS community will gather on the field and black top to paint the wood studs that will be used in erecting the New Orleans St. Jude Dream Home. This is the first time a service project like this has ever been initiated, and we are very grateful to be a part of such a worthwhile cause. Each student from ages nursery through 7th grade will have the opportunity to put their artwork onto a stud that will be used to build the Dream Home. This project will be covered by Channel 8 Fox News and students will forever be a part of the St. Jude Dream Home, which all proceeds go to directly to SJRH.
Some really cool facts about St. Jude Research Hospital are:
• SJRH leads the world in understanding, treating and defeating childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
• Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for travel, treatment, housing, or food.
• Treatments invented at SJRH have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when the hospital opened in 1962 to more than 80% today.
• SJRH shares its groundbreaking discoveries with hospitals and doctors around the globe.
• It costs approximately 1 billion dollars to operate SJRH a year, and the majority of those funds comes from generous donors.
• SJRH treats children from all 50 states and from around the world.
We hope to have 100% participation by all students and their families, as well as raise $10,000 to go directly to SJRH. Each student that participates by making a donation, will receive an original ICS/SJRH T-shirt designed by our own Mrs. Angelic Reynolds, PreK 2 Teacher.